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Beetle, Strangalia melanura
Six Spot Burnett moth
Hover Fly, Chrysotoxum cautum
Beetle, Oedemera nobilis
Hover Fly, Ferdinandia cuprea
Marbled White butterfly
Lace Border Moth
Scorpion Fly, male
Hover Fly, Chrysotoxum Festivum
Cinnabar Moth caterpillar
Cinnabar Moth
Scalloped Oak Moth
Beetle, Oedemera nobilis
Cardinal Beetle
Speckled Wood butterfly
Brimstone butterfly
Bumble Bee, Bombus pratorum
Small Emerald moth
Hover Fly, Volucella pellucens
Forest Bug, Pentatoma rufipes
Gatekeeper butterfly
Crab spider lurks under petals and pounces on any unwary insect landing on the flower
Wolf spider, pisaura mirabilis, doesn't have silk, it hunts using speed to grab prey on the ground
Garden spider spins the orb web so often seen. This is a juvenile with oblong abdomen
Zebra spider, salticus scenicus hunts by leaping at it's prey and can leap up vertical surfaces
Dictyna arundinacia named the Veil-web spider spins webs around umbrell flower stems
Pholcus phalangeoides can only lives indoors in Britain, since it dies at under 10 degrees Centigrade
Comb Footed Spider, Enoplognatha ovata
lurks in and around umbrel flowers
Araneus diadematus, the garden spider is seen here mature form. Compare with the juvenile above
Teganaria domestica, the house spider, is the long legged one often seen trapped in baths.
Common Blue butterfly
Ichneumon Wasp
Small Copper butterfly
Seven Spot Ladybird
Peacock Butterfly
Female Common Blue Butterfly
Flesh Fly
Brown Argus Butterfly
Gatekeeper Butterfly variant markings
Six Spot Burnett Moth
Marbled White Buttterfly
Bee Fly
Common Yellow Dung Fly
Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly
Crab Spider, Misumenia vatia, showing
colour variant with plant mimicking
Diaea dorsata Spider, another with plant
colour mimicking abilities
Young Wolf Spider, Pisaura mirabilis