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Common Lizard.  Sadly no longer very common
Woodmouse, this one released  from a trap, normally nocturnal
Common Shrew.  Also now not very common  as  it  once  was.
Unlike this Grey Squirrel which is  now  far  too  common.
Young Rabbit
Pair of young foxes
Rabbit in a Dorset field
Squirrel in traditional pose
Roe deer kid obediently waiting where the mother left it hidden.      Photo by my brother.
Badger emerging from it's sett. Dark, wet night.  Flash Photo.
All Fallow Deer, on the left a Buck with part grown antlers under a tree in shade resting in bracken, at the centre a Leucistic (white) Buck with fully developed antlers and on the right is a pregnant Doe.

Dark lipped banded snail at  rest  in  day
Flat spire grey snail
Brown lipped multi .   striped snail
Flat spire brown snail
Garden snails mating
White lipped multi  .        striped snail
Garden snail at speed over   open   ground
Dark lipped banded .                          snail
Great black slug
Netted slug
Slug, Arion hortensis
Leopard slug
Roe Deer buck moulting it's winter coat and
warily watching a distant approaching dog.